
How to Cut a Quartz Worktop

Author Chigwell Building & Joinery

Date 01/06/2024

Quartz worktops have become a very popular choice for kitchens and counters.

They are hard wearing and durable, while also being aesthetically pleasing.

But can they be easily cut using regular every day power tools found at a hardware store?

Let’s find out.

Table of Contents

  1. Important Facts Before Cutting Quartz
  2. Tools & Materials
  3. Safety Precautions & Preparation
  4. How to Cut a Quartz Worktop
  5. How to Cut a Tap Hole in Quartz
  6. How to Cut Drain Grooves in Quartz
  7. FAQs
  8. Conclusion

Important Facts Before Cutting Quartz

Quartz is a manufactured compound, made up of natural quartz set in a resin with pigments.

In a very similar way to cutting a granite worktop, the material is very hard, thus the cutting process requires precision, the appropriate tools and experience.

As a result, cutting quartz is not that simple and specialist equipment is needed if you wish to do it yourself.

Should I Hire a Professional?

It makes more sense to hire a professional to do the job because you would need specialist equipment, sufficient space, and ideally have some experience how to go about it.

Quartz is not cheap, and you do not want it to crack or waste a significant part of the material because you did not cut it correctly.

A professional will be experienced at the job and be able to do it well, thanks to specialist tools.

Most professionals will also take care of installing the worktop onto any type of kitchen units for you.

Should I Cut Quartz Myself?

Being a solid material, it is not that straightforward to cut quartz.

Most people prefer to leave the task in the hands of a professional, who will have the necessary experience and equipment to do the job properly and safely.

Quartz is one of the hardest commercial materials.

A regular saw will simply not be up to the job.

You will need very strong power tools such as a circular saw with diamond tipped blades to cut through quartz.

While such power tools will be found at most hardware stores, you will need to factor in their cost, and the fact that they are ideally used by professionals as such tools need skill and expertise.

Consequently, considering that you would need to procure specialist equipment, ensure that there is sufficient space to do the job, and be very precise, since it is not an ideal DIY job.

Besides, there is also the risk of cracking.

So, all in all it is safer and more reasonable to have a professional see to such a task.

Tools & Materials

If you do decide to attempt to cut a quartz worktop yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • Fixed circular saw - this will have round, serrated, revolving blades.
  • Plunge circular saw or wet saw - this will have a pump which allows spraying water onto the cutting surface to reduce the chances of cracking.
  • Diamond circular blades.
  • Rotary stone cutter.
  • Grinder diamond drum attachment - required for shaping and grinding.

Safety Precautions & Preparation

It’s important to point out that cutting quartz is not simple, and as power tools will need to be used, you need to bear in mind the dangers associated with this.

If you have never used power tools, it is not a good idea to start off by cutting quartz.

Circular saws are powerful and very loud.

They could harm your ears unless you wear suitable ear protection.

Moreover, the fine dust and powder that is released when cutting quartz could irritate your nose, eyes, mouth and skin.

Therefore it is essential to wear proper protective gear and breathing apparatus.

This includes overalls, goggles and a respirator.

You also need to choose a space which is big enough, while also taking into consideration that the quartz debris will easily move around.

So it is not such a great idea to do the cutting indoors as there is a lot of cleaning up involved too.

Also consider potential harm to children and pets should they breathe in the debris.

Cutting in a well ventilated, open space is recommended.

Using a wet saw can help to reduce the spread of dust.

Make sure to clean up immediately after the cutting is done.

The fine particles of quartz have jagged edges, and should they be inhaled they could cause serious damage to the lungs.

It is also important to ensure that you have a secure base which can hold the quartz safely while it is being cut.

Using heavy duty supports to secure the quartz slabs is important.

Needless to say, quartz is very heavy and it would cause serious injury should it fall on your feet.

It is also best to use spotters.

Check all the corners for placement and hold the pieces to prevent slipping.

Make sure to work slowly and very carefully.

You need to take your time and the drill speed needs to be slow and well controlled.

Avoid applying pressure, and let it cut steadily at its own pace.

Reduce speed as you get closer to the edge.

How to Cut a Quartz Worktop

To cut quartz you will need to be familiar with two basic cuts, namely the straight and the curved cuts.

When combined, you can achieve a seamless and smooth result.

Straight Cuts

Most countertops will be rectangular with straight edges, and in these cases you will only need to make straight cuts.

You may need to use a stationary circular saw or a manual plunge saw, depending on the size of the quartz slab.

  • Mark and measure where you will be cutting.
  • Make sure to stabilise the slab.
  • Attach a diamond saw blade and set it to cut at the required depth.
  • Start a few inches from the edge, plunge the circular saw in the cutline, and start to push firmly along.
  • Cut through the end, allowing the saw to stop entirely prior to lifting the blade.
  • Polish off the rough-cut edge.

Curved Cuts

Curved cuts are obviously trickier and more demanding.

You would generally need to do such cuts to accommodate appliances and the sink. Here is how to go about it:

  • Use a template so as to mark where you need to cut.
  • Stabilise the quartz slab, making sure you double check the placement with a level.
  • Tape along the line of the curve.
  • Attach a diamond blade to the wet saw, setting it to cut at the right length.
  • Start at the edge of the slab, making a straight cut half an inch from the curve, till a piece is removed.
  • Continue to make straight cuts until all the excess material has been removed.
  • Grind off the sharp edges created by the cuts.
  • Then, grind down the edge as close to the tape as you possibly can.
  • Polish the rough edge.

How to Cut a Tap Hole in Quartz

In order to cut a hole it is best to make use of a template where you will be drilling.

You will also need to use a drill that is ideal for masonry and hard material like quartz.

Hold the template in place, put the drill bit in the hole and start drilling.

Make sure to work your way slowly, without applying pressure to the drill.

It is recommended to use water to keep the drill bits cool and lubricated.

When you are around ¼ inch deep, stop drilling and remove the template.

Continue the drilling process, adding water as needed.

As you start to get close to the end of the hole, reduce the speed slowly.

You should only let the drill make just enough contact to cut the hole at this point.

This is important to reduce the possibility of cracking and chipping.

How to Cut Drain Grooves in Quartz

Drainer grooves are often used on countertops.

They are designed to collect water that gets splashed onto the sides.

This helps to protect the material from damage.

These grooves are cut into the quartz and to do this you would need to use a diamond drainer groove flute wheel.

These can be either sintered or electroplated or resin, and they come in different sizes to achieve the desired widths.


What's the best tool to cut quartz?

Cutting and rotary tools are a must to cut quartz precisely. Such power tools are best handled by someone who has experience. Commonly used tools for cutting quartz include a wet saw, a plunge circular saw, or a fixed circular saw. Grinder wheels or rotary stone cutters are also used.

Can I cut quartz using a circular saw?

Yes, a circular saw is one of the best tools that you can use for cutting quartz. A wet cutting circular saw is better than a dry circular saw as it helps to reduce the dust generated.

Can I cut quartz using an angle grinder?

This is not recommended, as a circular saw is more ideal to cut quartz. While you may still manage to cut it with an angle grinder you will need more time and patience, and be prepared to deal with a lot more dust and debris.

Can I cut quartz by hand?

Cutting quartz is no easy task, and you will need specialist power tools to do the job.


Cutting quartz is not straightforward at all, and while it can be done if you have some experience and the right tools, it may still be better to hire a professional to do the job.

Small mistakes can be quite costly, and there are also safety considerations to take into account.